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Eight Tips for Managing Up

Avatar photo By Steve Kane Updated on April 27th, 2023

Managing up is an essential skill that can help you succeed in a rapidly changing environment. As businesses and organizations continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, it’s critical to develop strategies to effectively communicate with your managers and supervisors. Here are some tips for managing up in a rapidly changing, or continuous improvement, environment.

Managing up refers to the process of developing a positive, productive working relationship with one’s supervisor or manager. The goal is to create a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties can work together effectively to achieve common goals. Managing up involves understanding your manager’s goals, priorities, and communication style and adapting your own work to meet those needs. It also means anticipating your manager’s needs and proactively providing them with information, insights, and solutions. Managing up isn’t about trying to control or manipulate your manager but rather about building a strong, collaborative partnership that benefits both the individual and the organization as a whole. The ability to manage up is an essential skill in today’s workplace, especially in rapidly changing environments where effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability are critical to success.

Be Proactive

In a rapidly changing environment, being proactive is key to managing up successfully. This means anticipating changes and communicating with your manager to stay ahead of the curve. Don’t wait for your manager to come to you with information; instead, take the initiative to keep your manager informed about what’s happening on the ground. Share your insights, observations, and ideas, and be open to feedback from your manager.

Build Strong Relationships

Strong relationships are the foundation of effective management. This means building trust and rapport with your manager, as well as with other members of the team. Building strong relationships can take time, but it’s worth the investment. Take the time to get to know your manager on a personal level and learn about their priorities, goals, and communication style.

Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is critical to managing up in a rapidly changing environment. This means being clear, and concise. Make sure you understand your manager’s preferred communication style and adapt accordingly. Use data, visuals, and other tools to communicate complex ideas and information, and be prepared to back up your claims with evidence.

Be Solution-Focused

In a rapidly changing environment, problems are bound to arise. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on finding a solution. Brainstorm possible solutions and share your ideas with your manager. Be open to feedback and be willing to revise your ideas as needed. By being solution-focused, you’ll demonstrate your value to the organization and help your manager address challenges effectively.

Take Ownership

Taking ownership is an essential part of managing up. This means taking responsibility for your actions, decisions, and outcomes. Don’t blame others when things go wrong; instead, own up to your mistakes and take steps to correct them. By taking ownership, you’ll demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to the organization’s success.

Be Adaptable

In a rapidly changing environment, adaptability is critical. This means being flexible and open to change. Be willing to adjust your priorities and strategies as needed to align with the organization’s goals. Don’t get too attached to one particular idea or strategy; instead, be willing to pivot when necessary.

Stay Informed

Staying informed is essential to managing up effectively in a rapidly changing environment. This means keeping up with the latest trends, news, and developments in your industry or field. Attend conferences, read industry publications, and network with peers to stay up-to-date on the latest information. Share your insights and ideas with your manager to demonstrate your value to the organization.

Be Results-Oriented

In a rapidly changing environment, results are critical. This means focusing on achieving measurable outcomes that contribute to the organization’s goals. Set clear, specific goals and metrics, and track your progress regularly. Share your results with your manager to demonstrate your value to the organization.

Managing up in a rapidly changing environment requires a combination of skills, including proactivity, strong relationships, effective communication, solution-focused thinking, ownership, adaptability, staying informed, and a results-oriented mindset. By developing these skills, you can effectively manage up, contribute to the organization’s success, and advance your career.

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