
188 Articles

Why Habits Could Be the Secret to Your Success in 2015

By Ron Pereira - January 6th, 2015

“All our life, so far as it has a definite form, is but a mass of habits.” – William James It’s the new year and just about everyone I know has some sort of resolution. Some want to lose weight so they’re committe

The Value of Not Knowing

By Steve Kane - December 30th, 2014

By Steve Kane “If I am wiser. . . it is because I know that I do not know.” ~ Socrates Is it possible that expertise on a particular subject can become an obstacle to learning and growth? There comes a point when a person

Reflecting on the Intentional Routine

By Kevin Meyer - December 16th, 2014

By Kevin Meyer My post a couple weeks ago on Gratitude, for Gratitude, generated a large number of responses.  Interestingly, most were private, commenting on both the nature of gratitude but especially on my daily routine.  I had de

3 Things I’ve Learned in 2014

By Ron Pereira - December 9th, 2014

This article was written by Ron Pereira I’m not sure about you… but 2014 has come and gone faster than any year I can remember! My wife and I welcomed another child to our family towards the end of 2013 which has definitely kept us

Skateboarding and A Path To Discovery

By Steve Kane - December 2nd, 2014

 This article was written by Steve Kane Clarity of Vision Vision, mission and values are often thought to be guiding forces of an organization. These ideas give us a sense of who we are as an organization and where we’re headed—wh

Lean Thinker Challenge #6

By Ron Pereira - November 25th, 2014

Welcome to another edition of the Lean Thinker Challenge! The Situation Several members of your team just attended the AME Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Today is their first day back to work and they’re far more pumped up


Airbnb and Uber – From Batch to One Piece Flow

By Kevin Meyer - November 17th, 2014

Some of the more interesting internet-driven companies these days are the likes of Airbnb and Uber. They call themselves part of the “sharing economy.” But let’s take a look at the word “share.” From the MacMillan dictionary

What’s Faster: One Piece Flow or Mass Production? Watch This Envelope Stuffing Simulation To Find Out!

By Ron Pereira - July 29th, 2014

We recently re-shot the first video I ever created back in 2008. Specifically, this video shows the difference between one piece flow and mass production. I first learned of this simulation many years ago while reading the book Lean

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