Image of a Toyota Steering Wheel.
Lean Manufacturing

TPS from the Horse’s Mouth: View the Videos & Take the Quiz!

Avatar photo By Jon Miller Updated on May 18th, 2023

Toyota has recently updated its website area for explaining the Toyota Production System (TPS), which includes the thinking and origins behind TPS, such as kanban, just in time, and judoka. The website offers simple explanations using diagrams to make it easy for users to understand. Although Toyota could spend more time on its creative idea suggestion system and standard work, it is a good start.

*It may be helpful to refer to the Gemba Glossary for definitions of the many terms used in this article

Kanban Diagram for Just-in-Time

The kanban diagram on the Just-in-Time page should clarify the misconceptions commonly held about what kanban is and what they do. The flow of the parts retrieval (withdrawal) kanban and the production instruction (production) kanban are made very clear.

High-Level Material and Information Flow Diagram

The website also includes a high-level material and information flow diagram that explains the production flow. Users should scroll all the way down to view the explanatory text that appears as part of the Flash animation.

Videos of TPS in Action

Users can watch videos that demonstrate TPS in action. These videos follow a part from the truck to the assembly line. They also track a kanban card through electronic processing, the heijunka post, and the attachment and picking of parts. There are also some brief close-ups of u-shaped chaku-chaku lines. These videos are not instructional but rather the PR videos that Toyota displays at their exhibition center.

Jidoka and Just-in-Time Tabs

The Jidoka and Just-in-Time tabs on the video page offer specific short clips from the longer version of the videos, introducing individual examples of kanban, jidoka, etc. Users can also watch the heijunka box again!

Short Quiz on TPS

The website also includes a short quiz about TPS that users can take. The quiz is challenging, but it is a great way to reinforce what users have learned.

Take the TPS Quiz

The Toyota Way and TPS

Toyota acknowledges both the popularization of the “Toyota Way” term and the evolving and adapting nature of the Toyota Production System. Nowadays, the “Toyota spirit of making things” is referred to as the “Toyota Way.” It has been adopted, not only by companies inside Japan and within the automotive industry but in production activities worldwide and continues to evolve globally.

In conclusion, the revamped TPS website from Toyota provides valuable information on the production system, including clear explanations and videos of TPS in action. The website is easy to navigate and understand, making it an excellent resource for those interested in learning more about TPS. There you have it, the Toyota Production System straight from the horse’s mouth!

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