
The Power of 3

By Ron Pereira Updated on January 13th, 2011

blogprojectthree.gifOne of my favorite “blogging” sites is Daily Blog Tips.  On it Daniel shares all kinds of good ideas for those of us who attempt to blog.  Recently Daniel held a contest where the participants had to simply use “3” in the title of the article.  I thought this sounded like fun and quickly wrote up Three Easy Steps to Becoming More Effective

For me, the coolest part of this contest is I am 110% positive there have been people who may have never heard the words “lean manufacturing” in their lifetime had they not clicked to read my article.  That, to me, is priceless!

The participants get to decide who the winner of the contest is by casting their votes on their blog.  I have received some votes from people (one was even a photographer who thought my post about “flow” applied to his readers) which has been nice!

There were 115 participants and while I have not read each article word for word I have skimmed them all and narrowed my list of favorites down to these:

So give these articles a read.  And to check out the other submissions click on over to Daily Blog Tips and read to your hearts content.

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  1. Sheila

    July 14, 2007 - 2:00 pm

    Thank you very much for selecting my post among your favorites. I’m actually a (former) industrial engineer who held a six sigma engineer certification. Even though I don’t do that kind of work anymore, I still find ways to get the most out of whatever I do. Thus the post on how to have a wonderful vacation in Hawaii on a “leaner” budget. So, I’m thrilled you chose my post.

  2. Ron Pereira

    July 15, 2007 - 7:11 am

    No problem Sheila. Please stop back from time to time to say hi!

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