
3 Ways to Stop Failing at New Years Resolutions

By Ron Pereira Updated on January 4th, 2010

As we start off the new year one thing is for certain… there will be lots of resolutions stated.

Everything from weight loss to improving the way money is managed will be focused in on for, at the very least, 7 to 10 days.

Yep.  You’ll more than likely fail at whatever you’re setting out to do.  Sorry.  Just trying to speak the truth.

That’s the bad news.  Want the good news?

It doesn’t have to be this way.  Here are some tips I’d like to propose for goal setting, I mean New Years Resolutions.

1. Get Real

If you’ve not worked out for 11 years don’t set a goal to work out for 2 hours every day of the week.  That’s not realistic.

Instead, start small and set a goal to work out 3 times a week for 10 minutes a session.  Then, once you are successful crank it up a bit more and increase it to 15 minutes, etc.

It’s good to be aggressive.  I love aggression.  But it’s even better to be real.  So no matter what your goal is be realistic and set a goal you’re confident you can succeed at.

2. Shhh… Write it Down

Instead of announcing your goal to every friend and Facebook follower you have… just write it down on a piece of paper you will see each and every day.  Perhaps you can tape it to your bathroom mirror.

In other words… this goal of yours belong to one person.  You.  You don’t need to make a big deal about it.  Just set it and go for it.

Having an accountability partner is OK… but I am not a big fan of announcing your goals to the whole world.

3. Think of Others First

Finally, the last tip I’d like to offer you is this.  Instead of focusing on a goal for yourself… why not set a goal to help others in some way.

The fact others will benefit from you just may be the catalyst you need to finally nail that resolution.

And the best part… success is contagious.  So once you succeed at helping others you just may have the motivation you need to help yourself.

What Do You Think?

Do you agree with my list?  What would you add?

  1. Jon Miller

    January 4, 2010 - 2:52 pm

    Hi Ron

    Very nice post and concisely put.

    I would strengthen your third point. I seem to recall reading in the scriptures of some faith that the only things worth doing were things you do for others. Only acts that are motivated by love are good.

  2. Bunpot Dilokwatanakul

    January 6, 2010 - 12:15 am

    I think discipline is very importance factor to lead to success. Once you strict to the rule and follow it again and agin by concentrate on details that you have plan then you will found that you can acheive it more easier rather than just remind yourself everday by looking at the piece of paper and dream to.
    ” Be patient and hopeful then the outcome will be fruitful”

  3. Rob

    January 6, 2010 - 6:09 am

    The key to effective New Years resolutions is:

    1. Be focused: focus your energy and enthusiasm on completing one resolution at a time
    2. Be organised: plan to complete the easy resolutions first, pick the low hanging fruit; this gives you confidence and boosts your ability to go onto tackle the more difficult resolutions
    3. Be flexible: sometimes things won’t go as planned, don’t be demodulated
    4. Be specific: use SMART goals; create a concrete action plan use proven habit techniques.

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