Site Update

LSSA Site Update

By Ron Updated on June 4th, 2007

I started this blog January 15, 2007 and didn’t know what to expect. I must confess and admit I am really enjoying myself. I have met so many cool people via email and have uncovered this underground movement of Lean and Six Sigma bloggers out there. Very cool.In any event, I wanted to share some information with you to let you know how the site is doing with respects to visits. Upon last check, according to Google Analytics, the site has been visited 2,589 times. During these visits there have been 4,419 page views. And finally, what I think is the most mind boggling statistic of all – visitors from 63 countries have stopped by! The Internet is truly an amazing instrument.

As the time series chart above shows there is a decent trend upwards. We still have a long way to go to get to the 600~2000 hits per day some of my favorite blogs like GembaPantarei, Lean Blog, and Evolving Excellence get but perhaps one day we will get there. Interestingly enough today broke the record for the most visits. I would like to think it was my 3 part series on regression that caught people’s attention… but somehow I think the beer launching machine deserves the credit. Funny thing that voice of the customer!

My mission with this blog is to reach as many people as possible sharing the goods news that is Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. So if you are reading this, and feel so obliged, please tell your friends about Lean Six Sigma Academy. The price of tuition is quite affordable.

Until next time, I wish you all the best on your journey towards continuous improvement.

  1. K T Cat

    March 10, 2007 - 4:00 pm

    Congratulations! It looks like you’re really taking off.

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