
About this Blog

Avatar photo By Jon Miller Published on May 16th, 2007

Introduction to Gemba Panta Rei
Gemba Panta Rei is the corporate blog of Gemba Research, a kaizen consulting firm. In this blog we will share our thoughts on Lean manufacturing, kaizen, Lean healthcare, Lean governemnt, Lean transaction and better ways to make things better. The views and opinions on this blog are mostly reflect those of the writer of the blog, but are a fair reflection of the values of our company as a whole.
Goal and Purpose
The goal and purpose of this blog is to accelerate the reduction of waste of all types everywhere by offering perspectives, insights and practical advice on kaizen and Lean manufacturing. We aim to share our lessons learned, wins and losses as we work to spread the knowledge of how to do kaizen as widely as we can through this blog.
What is Gemba?
Gemba is a Japanese word that means “actual place” and is used to mean workplace where value is added. In manufacturing Gemba is the shop floor but it can by anywhere that you add value. Gemba Kaizen is a philosophy that improvement should be on-site, roll-up-your-sleeves, and quick. It is a key enabler for Lean manufacturing, Lean healthcare, Lean transaction and general bottom-line improvement activities.
Who Writes for this Blog?
Jon Miller is the CEO and co-founder of Gemba Research.
What is Panta Rei?
A Greek philosopher named Heraclites left a fragmented but important body of work. Many of his sayings relate to change and the changing nature of existence. The expression “panta rei” is ancient Greek for “everything changes” or “everything flows”. It is part of our philosophy of that change is always happening around us and that kaizen is a way we can add human creativity to make positive change to our lives.
Join the Conversation
We invite you to join in with your comments or experiences. At the end of each blog entry there is a space for you to enter your comments. You can comment on the articles, comment on other people’s comments, or simply share ideas and experiences you have about kaizen.
Copyright Notice
We are glad to share our knowledge, experience, and insights with you. However the material on this blog is copyrighted and is the property of Gemba Research LLC. Please note that no reproduction is permitted without prior written permission.

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