
It’s Officially On: Gemba Academy Launches

By Ron Pereira Updated on July 11th, 2013

After many, many hours of PDCA (plan, do, check, act) the time has finally arrived for Gemba Academy to officially open its doors for enrollment.

Transforming Your Value Streams

To get things started we’re offering a course called Transforming Your Value Streams that explains exactly how to – as the name implies – transform your value streams using lean tools and principles such as value stream mapping, takt time, one piece flow, kanban, jidoka (automation with a human touch), and heijunka (production leveling).

Coming Soon

In the coming weeks and months we’ll be offering interactive online training courses on a wide range of business excellence topics such as lean manufacturing, project management, six sigma and other related disciplines.

Specifically, we’re putting the final touches on a 5S course that is scheduled to launch in April. You can view the first module of this 5S course here.

Continuously Improved

The coolest thing, and something we’re really excited about, is that additional content will be added to all Gemba Academy courses long after they’re first launched – free of charge to anyone enrolled – as we listen to and learn from customer feedback.

Any Suggestions?

Please visit our site and let us know what you think. And be sure to watch, use, and share our free videos with your entire company.

Also, I’m very interested to know what course topics you’d like to see developed. Please drop me a line or leave a comment below.

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