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The Secret of TPS

Avatar photo By Jon Miller Updated on April 17th, 2023

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is widely recognized as a cornerstone of Lean manufacturing. It’s characterized by just in time production and judoka, delivering precisely what customers want when they want it. Toyota’s success is often attributed to TPS, and many people ask, “What’s the secret to TPS?”

The Secret is in Plain View

Toyota has been transparent about the components and tools of TPS, so the secret isn’t about what’s unknown. Rather, it’s about understanding the interplay of luck, pluck, and historical accidents that have contributed to Toyota’s success. TPS is undoubtedly part of the equation, but it’s only a piece of a complex puzzle.

What is TPS?

TPS is a balance between “don’t stop” and “stop” supported by standards, stability, and continuous improvement. It emphasizes human intelligence and automation, enabling production to stop when problems are detected. The secret of TPS is not one thing, but rather a combination of many factors.

The Limits of TPS

Some people see TPS as an overall business philosophy rather than a set of production methods. They analyze and reconstruct TPS, hoping to discover the missing piece that will make it work for them. However, what they are looking for is often right in front of them.

The Secret of TPS is Basic Things Done Exceptionally Well

The most basic of basics can be the secret to success. Vince Lombardi, a legendary American football coach, started each season by holding up a football and saying, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” TPS is also about doing basic things exceptionally well, which can be challenging to teach.

TPS is Practice, Not Theory

TPS is a practice, not a theory. It’s about doing things repeatedly to improve continually. Yoko Morishita, a Japanese prima ballerina, said, “If you neglect practice for one day, you can tell the difference. If you neglect practice for two days, your partner will know it. If you neglect practice for three days, your customers will know it.” The same is true of TPS.

Discovering the Secret of TPS

To understand the secret of TPS, we need to walk inside it and purposefully explore it with all of our senses. Billy Collins’ poem “Introduction to Poetry” reminds us that we need to take a more experiential approach to learning:

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide
or press an ear against its hive.
I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,
or walk inside the poem’s room
and feel the walls for a light switch.
I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author’s name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.
They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.

We cannot tie TPS to a chair and beat it with a hose to extract its secrets. Instead, we need to embrace its basic principles and continuously practice them to improve.

The Key to Success in TPS: Embracing its Principles through Experience

The secret of TPS is not a hidden essential but a combination of luck, pluck, and historical accident. The basics of TPS are in plain view, and success is achieved by doing them exceptionally well through continuous practice and reflection. We need to embrace TPS with all our senses, exploring its principles through experience rather than brute force

  1. David Moles

    April 7, 2008 - 12:53 am

    It seems to me that the fact that the TPS works is proof enough that there’s no secret to it — at least, if there is a secret, all 300,000 Toyota employees must be in on it, and they must be awfully good at keeping their mouths shut.
    I wonder how much of this comes from the obsession in US business with trade secrets and proprietary techniques. (Personally, I blame Thomas Edison.)

  2. Brian Buck

    April 7, 2008 - 8:27 am

    I love the poem Jon. In the US, we seem to be so results-driven that we do not give TPS time to marinate. We throw it on the grill and just seer it and never let it cook all the way through. Thanks for the reminder to explore and practice relentless hansei!

  3. Pete Abilla

    April 7, 2008 - 11:43 am

    Like most great religions and traditions that are passed-down the centuries, they happen via oral transmission and, the culture, is largely unwritten. But, the form and function is followed, but is largely unwritten — until — much later.
    The same thing happened with TPS. TPS came out of rigorous experimentation, standardization, and experimentation again. Most literature and researchers didn’t pay attention to Toyota until the 80’s, when MIT and Womack highlighted Toyota and observed that something was different.
    Within the tradition, things are different too. Unlike the popular culture, fads, and industries that have sprung-up around the Toyota Production System, the language and behavior of internal Toyota people are quite different.
    For example, the term “value stream” doesn’t even exist at Toyota, yet it’s a term that is widely used in popular culture; there are even “value stream manager” positions on and in other job sites. It’s amusing.
    People substitute the tools and methods for a culture; this fallacy is akin to saying that a community of saints are charitable because they all read the same bible. No — the community behaves the way it does because of something else that they have internalized — the bible helps, but there’s something other.
    Popular culture doesn’t get this. There’s something much deeper, yet it’s incredibly simple and elegant.

  4. Venkatesh

    April 7, 2008 - 3:55 pm

    Excellent points! I am entirely amused when I hear the terms certification & lean or six sigma in the same sentence. Was Taichi Ohno an SME certified Lean thinker?!
    The fact is that the popular culture is result oriented only, they have lost sight of the system as a whole; CEO’s cannot think beyond local optimization. Toyota’s system of home grown scientists on the floor takes the whole system’s optimization into consideration.

  5. Stan Heard

    April 9, 2008 - 3:58 am

    Maybe what is being overlooked is the incredible “common sense” of Taichi Ohno. It seems he had an willingness to face reality and study it that most managers today lack.
    I enjoy this site.

  6. Jamie Mallon

    April 9, 2008 - 8:29 am

    Jon, great post. We work with Toyota and other firms looking to implement TPS in one form or another. Interestingly, many who try to make lasting change (in they way they work) do not spend enough time on developing people – they may introduce training sessions for leaders who are then charged with rolling that message down to the shop floor. The key in any change effort is that it requires a sustained effort of education, coaching, reinforcement and most importantly “jissen” practical application.

  7. Kuldeep Tyagi

    October 6, 2009 - 10:25 am

    hai all!
    Really interesting, what we all are discussing about success of toyota, do we ever analysed about ourselves, always thinking about other’s philosophy, we all learned a lot, now its time to put the learning in implementing, and one more not give up continious thinking for improvement about all existing systems.

  8. Walter

    December 14, 2009 - 11:31 am

    i have had the opportunity to work with Toyota for 4 years and I must say the secret many talk about is just a system that continues to move forward on all levels, never satisfied with any level they may reach. The companies today want lean but don’t want to be lean, so they fight to stay the same as the world changes around them. My experience there is one of finding out that you have the winning tickets to the lottery but no one believes you.

  9. George

    December 15, 2009 - 11:27 am

    Indeed, the discussion is touching on the most sensitive and probably most discussed and debated aspect of Lean: What are we missing?
    I will add just a couple of things to the great comments you all put into this discussion. First of all, as probably most people coming back from the 1st trip to Toyota in Japan felt – and not visiting a North American facility before – I came back convinced that “We will never be able to do it in NA; we are just different and the difference works against us in this aspect.”
    Boy, how wrong I was! Few months later I visited Toyota in Cambridge, Ontario, a NA copy of the plant I had visited in Japan – Toyota Kyushu -. It was only one Japanese executive in the whole facility – the second in command after the President -. Not only that they would produce on the same production line the same models as they did in Kyushu; there was actually no difference – or at least I was not able to see it – in a North American Toyota facility comparing to a Japanese one. That confused me completely. How is that possible? Again, what are we missing? For someone that thought was on his way to understand the system was a big step back as I realised how wrong I was when I thought we can’t perform at the same level.
    Few months later the answer came in a matter of minutes! My search ended when a Toyota trainer put the very first slide up and asked: “What do you think is this?” It was a stylish logo that we all had guesses but nobody really got it. The answer came as a blessing for all my efforts to understand what we were missing: “It’s a C and a J that’s joined together, Canadian and Japanese people and cultures working together to create a unique and even stronger TMMC culture.”
    Then I could move on with my life; that was what was missing. Toyota never thought the way I did – i.e. “it will never work in NA as we are different…” -. They didn’t need to change anyone or implement any new culture in the sense I was thinking at it. They wanted to create a Toyota “culture” that would not make any difference where the people were born or raised; it was the same everywhere Toyota was present, regardless of the country, continent or what cars were produced in the facility. I read in another blog that GM learned a lot from the NUMMI cooperation with Toyota. Yes, process wise we learned a lot in NA. We missed the soft but the most important side of it: the PEOPLE. That is what I believe we missed and it will take us some time to recover. Once we understand this simple “secret”, we will be on our way.
    Happy Holidays to you all!
    [email protected]

  10. E. Kobayashi

    April 1, 2010 - 12:08 am

    I am glad to inform you of the publication of my new book about Toyota Production System.
    The book is titled “The truth about Toyota and TPS” and can be found at the following link:
    E. Kobayashi.

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