Ask GembaKaizen

Batch Answers to Reader Questions

Avatar photo By Jon Miller Updated on May 3rd, 2023


The readers of Gemba Academy have expressed some questions and concerns regarding certain content in the blog articles. I’ll address some of the top concerns.

Balancing Non-Value-Added Activities and Overprocessing in Knowledge Work

A question was posted to Quick Changeover and SMED for the office:

 ” Separate internal and external time” A knowledge work example of external set up could be as simple as having the next task or project prepared and waiting for you in a folder so that you could get to it right away, rather than having to go seek out the instructions and information to start the next project smoothly. But my question is how can we balance between this and over processing (from 7 wastes)?” 
– Mazen

When it comes to activities like setup, planning, preparation, work instruction, documentation, or management, some might call them “non-value-added.” However, these activities play an important role in minimizing waste caused by being unprepared or lacking clear instructions. So, they aren’t necessarily a waste. I wouldn’t say that setup, for example, is always an example of over-processing waste. It depends on whether it was done with more resources or complexity than necessary.

The distinction between qualitative and quantitative is crucial here. A process is either waste or value-add/non-value-add. If it falls under the latter category, it might still contain waste, like over-processing. However, if a process is a complete waste (qualitative), the goal is to eliminate it. If it is quantitative, the aim is to reduce inputs to the process without eliminating it entirely.

Calculating Standard WIP: Addressing Two Questions on Takt Time, Lead Time, and Batch Auto Cycle

Two questions were posted to How to calculate standard WIP:

The first question is:

“How can I use lead time and takt time in hospital warehousing of medical supplies? I currently have a team of 9.5 FTE’s. The average scan time (order materials) per person is 31.4 minutes The average time to replenish the patient units are 45 minutes, 277 Par locations. All other tasks total 284 minutes.”
– Laurie

First of all, to answer the “how” question, lead time and takt time can be used in hospital warehousing of medical supplies to:

  • balance employee workload to customer demand
  • improve on-time delivery from the warehouse
  • set stocking quantities at point-of-use locations based on replenishment lead times, etc.

The implied question is “How specifically do I do this based on the team, processing times, etc?” However, based on the information you’ve provided, it’s impossible to give you a specific answer. To calculate takt time, we need to know the net available working time per shift and customer demand per shift, neither of which are provided in your question. Similarly, to determine the lead time, we need to know the consumption rate, which is equivalent to customer demand.

Once we have this essential information, we can help you calculate takt time and lead time. Please provide us with the necessary data, and we will be more than happy to assist you further.

The second question is:

“So, my process has a “batch auto cycle”, like #4, but my auto cycle is five separate batches due to cycle time limitations. How do I use your calculation for SWIP? Do I divide by five?”
– Randall

The answer to your question depends on whether the five batches you referred to are separate sequential batches that run across multiple shifts or if they go into a process, such as an oven, at one time. The easiest way to determine the answer is to count the number of pieces in your current five batches. If you’re consistently running the downstream process out of parts, your current work-in-progress (WIP) quantity is sufficient, or perhaps excessive. You don’t need to divide the WIP by five.

If you want to calculate the exact quantity, we need more information. Specifically, we need to know the machine cycle time, capacity (batch size) per cycle, and cycle time from load through auto cycle and unload. With this information, we can help you determine the precise number of pieces in your five batches. Please provide us with this additional data, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

Calculating Takt Time: Adjusting for Machine Warm-Up Time and Customer Demand

A question from a post about a takt time calculator:

“Hi, i have question on how to calculate takt time. A demand of product A is 1000 nos. It takes 2 shifts (8hrs) and 1 hour break to get it done. For the first shift usually takes 20-30 minutes to warm up the machine for the initial process. How should I count the cycle time for the initial process? And how should I count the total cycle time if it involves 2 shift then?”
– Jason

It seems that the 20-30 minute warm-up time can be handled either as setup time, which would be deducted from the available time for that shift or it can be done before the shift starts. If you choose the first option, the takt time calculation would be based on net available time per shift/ by demand per shift. For instance, if the demand for two shifts is 1000 and the net regular hours per shift is 8, the calculation would be (60 minutes x 8 hours x 2 shifts) / 1000.

However, if you start warming up the machine when the shift starts, you would need to deduct 30 minutes from the available time. In some cases, a small crew or the supervisor might come in early to get the machine warmed up so that people and materials aren’t waiting. In that case, you wouldn’t need to deduct the 30 minutes.

When calculating takt time, it’s unnecessary to consider how long it takes to get the work done. Instead, we set takt time based on customer demand and then balance or improve our process to complete the work at the pace the customer wants. The information about how long it takes to complete the work is only used after takt time is calculated to balance the cycle times with takt time. When calculating takt time, the only information that matters is net available time and customer demand.

Applying Kaizen Culture in a Large Organization: Total Involvement

From 8 ways to get total involvement:

“I’m actually working on a project that consists on applying the Kaizen culture in the company I work for. Tough task considering its a company with over 5k employees. I’m aware of all the activities you can perform (5S, suggestion box, TPM, etc), but I’m having a hard time coming up with a way in which people keep being involved, I want them to adopt this way of thinking and not just have them do a couple of activities and then forget this ever happened. If you can figure out a way to apply the kaizen culture as a project, please let me know!  Any suggestions?”

– Ivan

Transforming a company’s culture into a kaizen culture is more than just a project – it requires total leadership commitment to changing how people approach their work every day. This transformation is management itself. While kaizen activities and tools can be used to achieve this transformation, it’s important to recognize that it cannot be achieved simply by completing a project with some kaizen activities and tools.

When conducting activities such as 5S, kaizen suggestions, and TPM, it’s crucial to involve employees. These efforts require close support for at least 12-18 months, ensuring that daily management standards are set, followed, and improved. Starting small, creating wins, building belief, and learning from mistakes are all key components of success. Instead of focusing on changing 5,000 people at once, focus on ensuring that 50-100 leaders (both formal and informal) visibly support the kaizen culture.

It’s important to think of building capabilities instead of completing activities when considering the steps to a kaizen culture. Most of the tools used in kaizen, such as 5S, TPM, suggestion schemes, and kanban, are people-driven systems that rely on involvement and daily management. Therefore, it’s crucial to invest the necessary time and resources to educate people about the new way of working and why it’s important to improve safety, quality, delivery, cost, and customer service. If people don’t see kaizen as a way to make their job more interesting or easier, they may not be motivated to participate.

Gemba Academy’s Responses to Various Inquiries

Thank you for your questions. It’s always enjoyable to learn about your kaizen efforts and the challenges you face. We’re here to provide support and answer any questions you may have. Keep up the great work in your continuous improvement efforts!

  1. John Santomer

    November 26, 2011 - 9:47 pm

    Dear Jon,
    Just a follow through, what’s the next best catalyst for culture change? Change tools, activities and processes can only do so much. If THE leader is a strong preacher of culture change but is reluctant to “take the leap”, grasp the responsibility and “dodges the bullets” to keeps his hands clean – the Pull System will probably work just within his “radar” but will never really cascade down the ranks. THE leader himself seems non receptive to suggestions and other options “outside the box”. Any thoughts?

  2. Jon Miller

    November 30, 2011 - 7:17 pm

    Hi John
    In my experience there are two words that cause leaders either to champion culture change or their departure: relentless discomfort. Change the circumstances or get out. I suppose there is a third way, which is to get used to discomfort, but then by definition it is no longer discomfort…

  3. John Santomer

    January 11, 2012 - 6:59 am

    Dear Jon,
    “Change the circumstances or get out.” Relentless discomfort… (Still digesting). So there’s no hope for lower ranks to live and see lean change if top management lacked the commitment? As this may be foreseen as a challenge to management’ approaches coming from the rank and file?
    I remember one comment from Bill Schultz, ”Not only do higher levels need to participate (to show their commitment), we must get the lower levels involved. We MUST NOT DO LEAN TO PEOPLE, WE DO IT WITH THEM. They must feel ownership of the process, so they buy into it, and it doesn’t become the program of the month (going back to old ways one month later).“
    I was wondering if the process ownership originated from the lower ranks, as top management aims to generate lean start ups and then reversing my question: “Do you think this will be a better catalyst?” Most of the sustainable change can be implemented from the “shop floor” or the “gemba”. Which approach do you think would have better success?

  4. Jon Miller

    January 12, 2012 - 4:19 pm

    Hi John
    The simple answer is that if the leadership isn’t managing based on fact, learning through deliberate experimentation, and making people development a priority, it’s not a recipe for success.
    Even if you have a committed and talented team of scientists, if the leader of the scientific organization leads based on bias, whim and faith rather than science, the team may overcome and do great science, but may never become a great scientific institution.

  5. John Santomer

    January 13, 2012 - 9:13 pm

    Dear Jon,
    Thanks a lot for your patience and diligence on my querries. I may be relentless is “squeezing the orange juice out of the apple” but I hope everyone of them would have a chance to read your response. 😉
    Simply translates…”The Team will do great lean but never become a lean institution.” I feel sad.

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