
188 Articles

Enhancing Organizational Efficiency through Supplier Process Improvement

By John Knotts - April 19th, 2024

In an increasingly interconnected business ecosystem, the performance of an organization is not solely determined by its internal processes but also by the efficiency and reliability of its suppliers. The concept of working closely wit

Process Improvement Across Industries

By John Knotts - March 15th, 2024

In the realm of business and organizational efficiency, understanding the nuances of process improvement across various industries is not merely an exercise in intellectual curiosity but a necessity. With 34 years of experience in this

Understanding the Customer Experience is a Keystone in Process Improvement

By John Knotts - February 16th, 2024

In the realm of business, the adage “the customer is always right” has evolved into a more nuanced understanding that “the customer’s experience is paramount.” As we dive deeper into the intricacies of cus

Embracing System-Level Problem Solving over Firefighting

By John Knotts - January 19th, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of business and organizational management, problem-solving is often equated with ad hoc firefighting – a reactive approach where individuals scramble to douse the flames of immediate issues. While this method

Harmonizing Organizational Excellence: A Fusion of Agile, Deming, and Toyota Principles

By Steve Kane - November 24th, 2023

In the quest for organizational excellence, many companies turn to established frameworks and philosophies to guide their journey. Among the prominent ones are the Agile Manifesto, Deming’s 14 Principles, and the Toyota Productio

Is Process Improvement Certification Right For Me?

By John Knotts - November 17th, 2023

Embarking on a journey of process improvement often leads to the crossroads of certification. Is obtaining a process improvement certification the correct path for you? This question resonates with many professionals who are eager to e

Robot humanoid using tablet computer for global network connection

Harnessing AI Large Language Models for Process Improvement

By John Knotts - October 20th, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips these days. In the realm of AI, Large Language Models (LLMs) are emerging as pivotal tools capable of understanding and generating human-like text. However, the capability extends fa

Are You Seeing Green?

By John Knotts - September 22nd, 2023

A “Green Process,” in the context of business and manufacturing, refers to a method or strategy that is designed to have a minimal negative impact on the environment. This can encompass a wide range of efforts aimed at redu

Completing A Kaizen Event is the Beginning, Not the End of an Improvement

By Steve Kane - September 22nd, 2023

In the world of business, the term “Kaizen” has garnered attention for its transformative power. Originating from Japan, Kaizen means “change for better,” emphasizing continuous improvement. Many organizations a

Conducting A Manual Process Assessment

By John Knotts - July 21st, 2023

A manual process is a task or procedure that is performed without the assistance of automation or technology. These tasks typically require human effort, physical actions, and direct input. Manual processes can range from simple tasks,

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